Friday, February 26, 2010

still single

BUT this is a bit of a different entry. As in not about rampant sexual escapades (but hopefully leading to that!). So Last saturday night, long story short, my car broke down. The friend who I was hanging with at the bar was also hanging with a friend of hers, we'll calllll hiiimmm..... OB...ahahaha OB is a tampon brand right? well in this case it's Old Boy. Cause hes old. Anyway, so he tried to resolve my dead battery situation and he knows lotsa car stuff so he gave me his number and said to call me if something happened on my drive home. But I was still uneasy I'd make it home so he ended up following me. Well I got about 3 blocks before my car died. So he hooked up some cables and we sat in his car charging mine for about 45 minutes, then I parked it at a nearby friend's house and he drove me home.

Meanwhile I really enjoyed the time we were in his car. He is incredibly funny and nice and smart and uh oh I think I like him! Damn. So i texted him when I got home telling him thank you (AND so he'd definitely have my number now...teehee slick huh?)and we texted back and forth a bit(!) and then we texted more the next day. Then a couple days later we texted allll day and the day after that we texted more. All the texting is cause he's out of town for work. SO I told him we should hang out and do some drinking. He mostly seemed down. But its been two days since we've really talked. Last night I texted him telling him how awesome the moon was. Then this morning he responded and when I got up this afternoon I responded to him with something about him texting me so damn early. But for the last two days thats the extent of it. I really am not fond of dating simply because of this whole "game." Im a very forward and upfront person. But apparently in the dating world there is a fine line between im super interested and im super crazy. Ya dont wanna text/call too much cause then you come off as needy or too eager, but then ya dont wanna never make contact cause then they think you've lost interest. Im pretty sure hes interested, i mean, why text so much if youre not? I dunno. This is why i dont really date cause its stressful and stupid and is made to be far more complicated than it should be or truly is. shouldnt it just be "hey i like you, and you like me, so lets talk and hang out"? So Im backing off for a while and hopeflly he will text/call when he gets back in town to hang out. I can only chase so far until I just dont give a shit. Cause really I am quite adorable and should be recognized as such!


  1. just a note, shortly after this blog was posted, he texted me =)))

  2. woohoo! You are adorable and should be recognized as such! haha. umm, i think you're playing it right. Obviously, he texted back!

    how much older is he? I forgot!
